Thursday, January 17, 2013

Belated Christmas

I know I am a little late but we had a great Christmas in Utah shared with family and friends we hadn't seen in a while. I finally got some photos (thanks mom) worth sharing and remembering our third Christmas together.
Quinn's friends held their annual "ugly sweater party" we actually made it this time!
We upheld our gingerbread house tradition.
My mom's side did our "make gifts" which I have to say were amazing, the best year for make gifts thus far... We also spent a couple of days at my dad's house and made time to go to Quinn's Fowler Family party but I stupidly forgot to take any photos! Quinn and I are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by this enormous group of people we call family. We loved getting to spend time with everyone this year

Dreaming of Palm Trees & Sunshine

The temperature here in Lander hasn't been a positive number in weeks! After several days of missing Coco's daily walk she finally convinced me to take her. We bundled up as best as we could and still only made it to the end of the street.... I think it's time for a vacation, preferably somewhere warm.


Quinn and I brought the new year in with a quiet celebration in a hotel room laying in bed watching Taylor Swift perform and the ball drop as we made a list of our resolutions. (I know we are quite the party animals) Although it wasn't the most exciting way to bring in 2013, it was an exciting couple days for us as we brought an end to our house hunting! That's right we found a new place to call home! We will be moving in February 1st!
New year, new home, and new memories to make as our year progresses. We'll see how well we can stick to our resolutions. One of which is to keep this blog updated. I've decided it's the best way to journal and I will one day be grateful I have something to look back to and "remember when"

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Still Alive..

I know I'm the worst at this blogging thing, and I say this nearly every time I post but I am going to try and do better! If I can manage posting more than twice a year it will be an improvement so we'll see how that goes for me. Here's a quick update on Quinn and I and the last I don't know 8 months since I previously wrote... We have been living in Lander for almost a year now! Quinn is still kicking butt at his job while I have kept busy with school and my part time job as a waitress at Tony's pizza. Last month we celebrated our 1 year anniversary! I can't believe how fast time flies! Coco is as happy as ever and getting fatter everyday:) We are looking forward to coming home for the holidays in a couple of weeks. After Christmas we are going to take a weekend trip and fly out to Denver to look for an apartment... That's right we are moving!!! to Colorful Colorado and we couldn't be more excited! We plan to be there by the beginning of February at the very latest. Lander has been a good little place for us and our family but we can't wait to see what Colorado has to offer:)

Monday, February 13, 2012

A much needed update

So I'm pretty much the worst at blogging. I'm writing this blog on behalf of Liz Dowd who requested an update. I promise I will do better for her sake, she is moving away to Italy in a few short weeks and this is the best way for her to keep tabs on me;) Therefore, I am now determined to update my blog at least once a week. We'll see how I do. I tend to start doing something (like creating a blog) and get overly excited about it, spending way to much time on it, that attitude lasts for about a month, more or less, and then I find something equally awesome to keep me entertained and I completely forget about all of my other things. I am one of those who has 100 started projects and 2 finished ones. The blogging thing is an endless project, but I am determined to stick with it! Anyways, I have decided it's not worth trying to go back and remember all of the events I thought were "blog worthy" in the past two months, instead I'll just start fresh... We are living in Lander, Wyoming and gradually starting to be okay with it:) Coco has adjusted well she finally knows where her home is. And I, just last week got a job, which I couldn't be more thrilled about, something to keep me busy. Plus with my new job, I made a friend. She's even my same age and we will be working together at U.S. Bank. Although Lander hasn't been easy, things are starting to fall into place and it's feeling more and more like home, hopefully we'll be able to stay for a while.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Gingerbread houses:)

Every year Quinn's family tradition is to make gingerbread houses, it's one of my favorite things I made Quinn call his mom while we were in Memphis to make sure she would wait until we got to Utah to do it, it's so fun and something I definitely didn't want to miss out on! Ginger was busy with Christmas stuff so Quinn and I offered to make the homemade gingerbread for the houses early Friday morning...Quinn let me sleep in while he baked gingerbread all morning by himself, what a good husband I have:)
Our house turned out even better this year than last:) We had quite a bit of yellow candy left over from our wedding reception if you can't tell;)

Home sweet home

Quinn and I are done in Memphis! Finally! We got to spend Christmas week in Utah with our family before heading to Wyoming. We had a great time in Utah with friends and family.
Of course we went and saw the lights at temple square. Quinn and I stopped at "our wishing well" and tossed in a couple of coins:)
After temple square we headed over to the soon to be Mr.& Mrs.Sasften's new house to watch a movie Kayla and Brady stopped by for a minute to show us their cute new puppy! It was fun to hang out with my old roomies:) I miss you girls